Engineering Update (14-NOV-22)

Cody Marx Bailey
Andromeda Engineering


Two weeks ago we published our 25 Point Macro Thesis. This was a big statement in the way we see and approach the blockchain/decentralized future. If you haven’t had a chance to read it, you should. These are the concepts that we use as north star when building and designing.


Since our last update, we’ve made some pretty big strides with regards to the frontend. We had a very clunky design for the longest time because we were focusing more on the nuts and bolts functionality and less on the polish. As we get closer to public beta, the polishing is on!

The design team has been hard at work and we thought it would be nice to share a few screenshots of the interface. The geeks in the group are really happy to see a dark mode, as all that bright white is hard on the eyes at 3AM.

Multiple Objects, Multiple Chains, Oh My!

Andromeda Developer Academy

We started our first cohort for the Andromeda Developer Academy last week. We introduced the seven teams to the internal concepts around the architecture, design patterns, etc. in both a technical and business use case sense.

The second week is all about coming up with a plan and architecture for what each team wants to achieve. The Andromeda team is working closely with each team to provide guidance, direction and capture feedback as outsiders begin to use the system.

Command Line Interface

One thing we have heard over and over again from outside developers is that our CLI is without a doubt best in class. That’s awfully appreciated and quite frankly we’re flattered.

One really nice feature of our CLI is that it is chain agnostic. We can operate any chain in the Cosmos from a central point. Adding new chains/wallets is a breeze. This was a core piece to the architecture of our CLI because we have always planned to be multi-chain from the very beginning.

The Andromeda.js library is a crucial part of our grand architecture. While it does function as our CLI, it’s also the hub for all object modeling whether it be via script (NodeJS), command line (CLI), or in the browser. This means that we can keep somewhat feature parity across all the different interaction points. One central library to rule them all, so to speak.

If you’d like to play with it, it’s now open to the public:

Be sure to use the -g option to be able to invoke “andr” from the command line.

Metadata Architecture Research

We began research on our approach to handling primary data and metadata with our objects this week. We are looking very closely at the design patterns around JSON-LD. We’re big fans of the work done over the last 30 years on the Semantic Web. We think we have an opportunity to create a clean and well architected environment from the start if we put in the hard work now.

This data is incredibly important as we begin to build out the URIs and URLs. Referencing data, functions, attributes, etc in an orderly way is paramount to what we’re building.

We’ll be back in two weeks to update you on more progress.



Cody Marx Bailey
Andromeda Engineering

Core Contributor to Andromeda Protocol, Co-creator of the ERC721 Standard, Founder of The Creative Space, BIL Conference and other really bad ideas.